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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Importance of Marian Devotion


Many might ask why is Marian devotion necessary? Why can't we just go straight to Jesus? Well simply (and honestly) put, we don't know how to live our lives directly for God. Mary is God's master creation. She is the perfect example of how to live a life fully devoted to God. She lived every second of every day of her life with eyes directed to the Heavens, and when God came to her and told her that she was to be the mother of His Beloved Son (Himself Incarnate), she did not hesitate for a second. She proclaimed herself the slave (commonly but not quite accurately translated as "handmaid") of the Lord. So why wouldn't we want her help learning how to live a life devoted to God.

But aren't you taking your eyes away from the Lord and putting them on her?
No. Every action she made in her life directed the eyes of those around her on her Son, Jesus. She directed the eyes of the shepherds and magi to her son in Bethlehem when they came to venerate Him. She began his ministry in Cana when she told the wedding party that her Son would supply the wine for the party. On the cross she directed the eyes of on-lookers to her Son's suffering through her meeting with Him on the Way of the Cross, and through her sorrowful gaze during His scourging and crucifixion. Today her motherly love calls religious people everywhere to gaze as lovingly as she does at His Face.

She gave us the Rosary. But what is the point of the Rosary? The structure of the Rosary is built around the life of Jesus, and of what His life and loving sacrifice has done for her and for us all. The "Hail Mary" is the most frequent prayer of the Rosary. As Dr. Edward Sri puts it, the "Hail Mary" is a Marian prayer focused around the Incarnate Lord Jesus. Pope John Paul II tells us that the most important word of the prayer is the name of Jesus. He calls it the "hinge" of the prayer.

Lastly, Jesus, on His cross, deemed it necessary to tell John (who represents all of humanity) "This is your mother". This was one of His last proclamations. It is that important.

Our Lord gave us the wonderful gift of such a loving mother as Mary for a specific purpose: to look at our merciful Lord hanging on His cross as lovingly as she did.

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